The Source of Riches

soundNow, let’s look at another fact. Turn to 1 Chronicles 29:12. David is praying to the Lord and he says very simply:

“Both riches and honor come from thee . . .”

There’s another basic principle. What is the ultimate source of riches and honor? The answer, God himself. God is the ultimate source of riches and honor. Say that after me. God is the ultimate source of riches and honor. There are many other passages in the book of Chronicles which confirm that but we won’t look at them.

Now turn to Deuteronomy 8:18:

“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers . . .”

Who gives us power to get wealth? God, that’s right. Many men misuse that power but it comes from God. Why does God give it to his people? It’s very interesting. That he may establish his covenant. It’s part of his covenant commitment to his people. God is the one who gives us power to get wealth.

When I see the people that get wealthy I see it does not depend on education. Did you know that? A lot of educated men can’t cut it and a lot of men who can’t even spell their name right get very wealthy. There was a man in Britain some years back, he was interviewed in the newspaper. This is just a little illustration. He couldn’t read or write. He applied for a job as a janitor and they said, “You’re very suitable.” And then they said, “Sign your name on this application form.” He said, “I can’t sign my name.” They said, “We can’t give you the job.” Having been turned down as a janitor, he started to sell cigars. And, he became a millionaire. So, a man interviewed him and said, “Isn’t that remarkable! You can’t even sign your own name and you’ve become a millionaire! Think what you would be if you could sign your name.” He said, “I’d be a janitor!”

I mean, if you think about the people you know, you’ll find that it doesn’t go with education. The most unlikely people get rich, really. If it happens anywhere it happens in America. I’m not saying there aren’t basic principles, I think you can pick them out. The principles, actually, we’re going to be looking at. But nevertheless, that ability is not to be explained purely in natural terms.

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