Blessing or Curse

Blessings and Curses

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

Deuteronomy 30:19



B56 newIn the 1970s Derek Prince began to unfold for believers an astonishing, life-changing teaching from the Bible that few people had ever heard. It was a thoroughly scriptural and God-blessed message about blessings and curses.

This startling revelation—which he would continue to develop and gain spiritual insight about over the next three decades—has profoundly influenced several generations of theologians and preachers. More importantly, it has provided a simple key to a better life for hundreds of thousands of Christians all over the world.
Derek Prince may not be familiar to you. He is not a household name in Christian circles today. Nevertheless, he stands as one of the truly extraordinary Bible teachers and theologians of the twentieth century.


This study, taken from the message Release from the Curse by Derek Prince, has been divided into sections for ease of access.  Perhaps you have heard Derek's teaching before and you want to brush up on just one aspect, or perhaps as you go through the content, there is something that you would like to read up on again. 


Whatever the case, you can read and or listen to the teaching and by God's amazing provision, through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, you or those to whom you minister can experience release from every curse and entry into the blessing of Abraham whom God blessed in all things....


Click here to begin



Proclamation for Overcomers

The Divine Exchange



For Further Study

Curses Cause and Cure (3 part series available in Cassette, CD and MP3)

Book - Blessing or Curse - Read the First Chapter
