holy spirit manifestations, miracles, revivals - real or fake?

"20 people raised from the dead" - "Enormous vegetables grown in revival town" - "People fall down under the power of the Holy Spirit while shopping" - every so often the headlines are alight with rumours of miracles and revivals. Now it seems these reports are appearing more frequently. Is this a sign that God is on the move in a powerful way?

If so, it would be important to learn all we can from what He is doing.
On the other hand, if people are being deceived or manipulated by current events, we need to know about that too.

How can we know for sure?

The most appropriate way, as people were commended for doing in the Bible, is to examine the evidence and decide for ourselves using Scriptural principles. We believe that this kind of evaluation results in much greater benefit than a divisive public condemnation or approval.

Bible teacher Derek Prince left us teaching which can help each one of us decide for ourselves whether God is at work in any situation. His words are applicable to any ministry or spiritual experience which provokes controversy. These messages will equip you with the ability to discern any reported work of God - now, and into future.

This teaching is available in audio format or as a transcript. To listen to each message, click on the sound icons. Or, to read the transcript, click on the title headings.

Protection From Deception -

Navigation through the Minefield of Signs and Wonders


Let us Honour God's Holy Spirit

  • Signs and Wonders Do Not Determine Truth
  • Mixture Produces Confusion and Division
  • The Identity of the Holy Spirit

Earthly, Soulish, Demonic

  • Understanding the Human Personality
  • From Rebellion to Salvation
  • Discerning Between Soul and Spirit
  • From Earthly to Soulish to Demonic
  • Five Movements that Went Astray

Four Safeguards

  • Number 1: Humble Ourselves
  • Number 2: Receive the Love of the Truth
  • Number 3: Cultivate the Fear of the Lord
  • Number 4: Make and Keep the Cross Central
Rachel Collinson, 22/10/2008